Looking to expand your business in the Black Sea Region? This October a major tourism forum and workshop will be held in Athens for tourism businesses looking to expand in 12 countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.

Sponsored buyer places are on offer for the Black Sea Tourism Forum and Workshop (10-11 October, Athens, Greece) organised by the WYSE Travel Confederation Member City of Athens Convention & Visitors Bureau (ACVB) and the United Nations Developmental Program (UNDP).

Athens Development logoThe Black Sea Tourism Forum & Workshop is an ideal platform to generate long lasting relationships with tourism suppliers from the entire Black Sea Region, through pre-arranged personal meetings between at least 70 hosted buyers including quality tour operators and tourism suppliers from Europe, the Black Sea region and other key markets.

During the Workshop, individual business appointments will provide a unique opportunity to find new clients and a platform for discussing business opportunities as well as other options such as joint-ventures, technical know-how transfer and multiple networking opportunities.

Sponsored places for WYSE Travel Confederation members

WYSE Travel Confederation is a supporting partner of the forum and in partnership with the ACVB is offering limited places at the workshop for select buyers. Flights to Athens and accommodation expenses will be covered, as well as free delegate passes for those attending.

The Black Sea region has seen impressive tourism growth in recent years, fuelled by the expansion of the Russian outbound market as well as investment in tourism infrastructure and air connectivity. Organiser and technical advisor of the Workshop Manolis Psarros said ”the youth market is high on the agenda for businesses across this region and the Black Sea Forum offers an ideal opportunity for members of WYSE Travel Confederation to explore investment opportunities here.”

Earlier this year, David Chapman, Director General of WYSE Travel Confederation gave a keynote presentation at the Athens Travel Trade Workshop 2013 and received a lot of positive feedback from local attendees. WYSE Travel Confederation is pleased to be supporting this initiative which will bring the entire Black Sea region to a wider audience.

Conditions for sponsored places:

  • Up to 10 sponsored buyer places are available to WYSE Travel Confederation members
  • Accommodation in Athens and flights from EU/EEA countries are fully covered
  • One delegate per organisation permitted, though more may be considered
  • First-come-first-served basis
  • Sponsored buyer places awarded at the discretion of ACVB

To register your interest for a sponsored place, please contact communications@wysetc.org

For more information please visit www.blacksea.travel or contact the Organizing team at info@blacksea.travel indicating that you are a member of WYSE Travel Confederation.