English Australia announces Brett Blacker as new CEO

English Australia announces Brett Blacker as new CEO

Please read the following announcement from English Australia Chair, Marc Weedon-Newstead: “Mrs Sue Blundell will be retiring from her role as Executive Director of English Australia later this year. The Board of English Australia commenced the recruitment for...
English Australia announces Brett Blacker as new CEO

Non-European study abroad destinations growing in popularity

Students are studying abroad more than ever before, according to an Institute of International Education report released on 17 November. According to the report, nearly 300,000 American students studied abroad for credit between 2012 and 2013, a two percent increase...
English Australia announces Brett Blacker as new CEO

British Tourism – a powerhouse for job creation

Tourism’s central role in creating new jobs across Britain has been underlined in a report just released by Deloitte – ‘Tourism: jobs and growth’ – commissioned by VisitBritain. Highlights: Tourism economy set to grow 3.8% per annum – faster than manufacturing,...