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CSIET: Promoting mental wellness across borders
WYSE News | April 10, 2024

CSIET (Council on Standards for International Educational Travel) will host its inaugural CSIET International Symposium: Promoting Mental Wellness on 21 May 2024, at the IE Tower in Madrid, Spain.

This one-day event will convene U.S. and international student exchange programs and schools along with a team of experienced psychologists to learn and discuss the latest practices relative to mental wellness.

International Symposium Discussion Topics

  • Promoting Mental Wellness During the Screening & Orientation Process
  • U.S. Department of State & Mental Health Considerations
  • Mental Health On Program: Prevention, Recognition and Intervention
  • Going Home: Repatriation and Mental Health

Spaces are limited. For information on how to register, please click here.
The deadline for registration is 15 May 2024.

View the presenters and panellists below, and find out more here.

Member snapshot

Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) evaluates and certifies long-term international student exchange programs in the United States at the secondary school level. CSIET’s purpose is to cultivate excellence, to facilitate a spirit of cooperation and support, and to help ensure safety and value for international exchange students, secondary schools and natural parents.

Membership plan: Assocuation
Country: USA
