BUNAC selects iTEP English test for UK Interns
WYSE News | December 2, 2021


Manchester, United Kingdom — 22-25 September 2009

BUNAC selects iTEP English test for UK Interns

Dec 2, 2021

Academic Language Solutions, the exchange program distributor of the iTEP (International Test of English Proficiency) Exams has announced a cooperation with BUNAC to test the English skills of interns entering the UK on the Intern in Britain Program.

“BUNAC is one of the largest A-rated sponsors for the Temporary Worker Government Authorised Exchange (GAE) program. Working closely with the UK Government since 2009 to launch this unique program for students and graduates globally, we continue to be the gold standard for the UK GAE program”, said Vicki Cunningham, CEO of BUNAC and Member at Large of the WYSE Travel Confederation Management Board.

“iTEP offers a series of career-oriented English exams like the Intern test, but also hospitality, au pair, aviation, business, and our conversation test,” explained Kevin Morgan, Chairman of Academic Language Solutions. “All of these exams are about 30 minutes long, are on-line and on-demand, are scored quickly, and measure spoken English skills.”

BUNAC Interns who come from non-English speaking countries must achieve a B2 level of English proficiency on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) Scale. iTEP’s Intern exams cover the complete CEFR scale, and will indicate that the applicant should be able to function in the intern position.

The main feature of the new intern test is that applicants no longer need to wait weeks for a test to be administered at a test centre, which may be a long distance away. Applicants can register, and pay a much lower fee, online, and will get test log-in instructions within two days. Results are returned within a few days, rather than weeks, and the test, while taken remotely, is protected by award-winning security measures.

“We are excited to engage in this cooperation that delivers such convenience and cost savings to our interns”, noted Cunningham.


Information about iTEP exams can be found at https://academiclanguagesolutions.com
Information about the BUNAC Intern and other programs are at https://bunac.org

Media contact
Kevin Morgan, Academic Language Solutions

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