Manchester, United Kingdom — 22-25 September 2009Dragon Expeditions celebrates its latest development and the opening of the Yunhe Centre
For many of you who have known Dragon Expeditions from the early years, especially Apple, Dragon Expeditions came from very humble beginnings. Weathering the wind and rain for the past 15 years, Dragon Expeditions guides international tourists to the remote Tibetan regions on expedition trips. With a dedicated team of outdoor enthusiasts committed to responsible tourism, Dragon Expeditions advocates for environmental protection and sustainable development for the Tibetan communities, prioritising work ethics over profit pay off.
After almost three years’ continuous and collective efforts, the construction of the Yunhe Centre is finally completed, offering environmental education and community services.
For the past two years, the primary business focus of Dragon Expeditions has been on the educational programmes and marketing promotion of the Yunhe Centre, with the exception of the UK, Europe and China. The first success celebrated by the team was the confirmation of a school group from Australia. A first middle school student group from the USA is now expected next week. But the development won’t stop there, as Dragon Expeditions has established partnerships not only in Hong Kong but also in the USA.
The official partnership of Yunhe Centre with NGO (Global Environmental Institute) Freeland camp from Thailand, marks a real milestone in the centre’s development. This is also just the beginning as Dragon Expeditions is forge collaborations with a broad spectrum of other organisations.

Currently in the process of onboarding academic programmes for overseas universities (mainly related to humanity, religion, cultural and anthropology subjects), Dragon Expeditions is also expecting to have an official meeting with the University of California in August to discuss potential future partnerships.
In addition to its latest development, Dragon Expeditions does not lose sight of its adventure travel products. A complete restructure of its travel products is in the pipeline, together with a refresh of the website.
Some new products are already available:
Cultural & leisure
- Hong Kong – Guangxi (Guilin) – Chengdu
- Beijing – Xian – Chengdu
- Chengdu – Lhasa
- Trekking: wildness trekking in Mt Genie-hidden jewel; Holly mountain Manasarover & Kailash tour in Tibet; Sanjiangyuan wild animal (snow leopard) & ecology research (Qsinghai Tibetan)
- Cycling: Lhasa – Mt Everest Tibet, Guizhou minority, western Sichuan Tibetan region
*A fixed date scouting cycling tour from Sichuan to Tibet, is planned. A tour that has never been done before.
Education Programmes
- Academic programmes for universities: religion, cultural & anthropology subjects
- Trail building, agricultural, cultural exchange related programmes in Danba Tibetan region
Dragon Expeditions, on behalf of Apple and the whole team, expresses their sincere appreciation of all the help and supports that have been generously given to them in the past few years.
“You have helped make our dream of Yunhe Centre a possibility! We will never cease from exploration and will continue to build in business practices as an ethical & responsible company that fit for the legitimacy of the Chinese& western countries.”
Dragon Expeditions is a member of WYSE Travel Confederation.
Learn more about Dragon Expeditions:

The Yunhe Centre