We are getting ready for a busy second day at ITB Berlin 2015, which will include more workshops, our The millennial traveller: Driving growth for destinations seminar on the stage in hall 4.1, and rounding off with our networking reception which gets underway at 18:00.

Tonight’s networking reception is doubling up as our first ‘tweetup’ – join the conversation at #ITBWYSEGA.

Come and visit us and 11 of our member organisations on stand 106 in hall 4.1 – we look forward to seeing you.

Today’s programmeGreg-Richards

11:30 – 12:00
Workshop: Festivals and the millennial traveller
Presented by Professor Greg Richards, WYSE Travel Confederation

EPSON DSC Picture12:30 – 13:00
Workshop: StudentUniverse + Skift ‘The State of Student Travel’ report
Presented by Evan Becker, StudentUniverse

14:30 – 15:00
: Design and hostels: Catering to the millennial traveller
Carl-MichelPresented by Carl Michel, Generator Hostels

15:30 – 16:00
Workshop: Wearable technology: Making travel more personal
Presented by Kevin O’Shaughnessy, Indigo


17:00 – 18:00
ITB Stage seminar: The millennial traveller: Driving growth for destinations
Panel session moderated by David Chapman, WYSE Travel Confederation with:


    Thulani Nzima                  Jenny De Saulles


Domingo Ramon C. Enerio, III       Emma Hudson                


View our full programme >

18:00 – 20:00
WYSE Travel Confederation and Reisenetz networking reception
Sponsored by South Africa Tourism, and Else Globe
