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Proposed changes to the
WYSE Travel Confederation Articles of Association:

Change No 1:

To amend this text:

Article 3 – Objects

The objects of the Association are to contribute to the personal and professional growth of students and young people and to generate positive impact on global community by fostering international understanding, education, cultural exchange and responsible international travel, by way of:

a. promoting educational, cultural and social travel among students and young people;

b. promoting international education, student travel and youth travel as a force for international understanding;

The remaining subtexts in this section remain the same.

To this text:

Article 3 – Objects

The objects of the Association are to connect the global travel community through research, education, advocacy and networking activities that focus on youth travel, its benefits and opportunities by way of:

a. promoting educational, cultural and social travel among students and young people;

b. promoting international education, student travel and youth travel as a force for international understanding;

The remaining subtexts in this section remain the same.

Change No 2:

To amend this text:

Article 3.1.g

Sector Association Members (without voting rights):

Sector Association Members can only be Members who are founding sector associations of WYSE Travel Confederation who hold their legal seat in Copenhagen, Denmark, with activities related to the objectives of the Association, created to represent a significant sector interest within youth and student travel and international education services.

To this text:

Article 3.1.g

Sector Association Members (without voting rights)

Sector Association Members can only be Members who are founding sector associations of WYSE Travel with activities related to the objectives of the Association, created to represent a significant sector interest within youth and student travel and international education services.