Member interview: On Board

Member interview: On Board

WYSE Travel Confederation proudly welcomed On Board as a new member earlier this month. We chatted to Founder Marcela Fernandez to learn more about the organisation that uses travelling as an engine to learn. Tell us your story. How did your business get started? On...
Member interview: On Board

Member interview: HAGGiS Adventures

We chat to HAGGiS Adventures General Manager Pete Duncan in our latest member interview to find out how the mix of passion, culture and entertaining guides make these Scottish adventures different. Tell us your story. How did your business get started? Back in 1993,...
Member interview: On Board

TÃœRSAB joins WYSE Travel Confederation

WYSE Travel Confederation is pleased to welcome TÜRSAB to its community of organisations in the the youth, student and educational travel industry. TÜRSAB is the Association of Turkish Travel Agents and aims to develop the Turkish travel agency profession in harmony...
Member interview: On Board

Member interview: Atlantic Point Backpackers

What started as a wild idea of 24 hour discos and compound style hostelling in the middle of Cape Town has ended in a ‘Number 1 hostel in Africa’ award and three properties with 70 beds and lots of space to move around. We spoke to Atlantic Point...
Member interview: On Board

WYSE welcomes Spain Event Management and Tours as a new member

We are proud to welcome our latest member, Spain Events Management and Tours to the WYSE Travel Confederation community. The Barcelona based organisation specialises in sports tours all around Spain, and provides accommodation, transport and local training for any...