WYSE Travel Confederation has a wide ranging number of resources available to the community to support industry development. These range from toolkits to research studies, development programmes to Declarations. 


San Diego Declaration

The building block of the Youth Travel Charter

During the 2012 World Youth and Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) held in San Diego, California, USA, WYSE Travel Confederation hosted a round-table discussion with UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and government representatives on the state of the global youth travel industry. The outcome of the meeting was the San Diego Declaration on Youth, Student and Educational Travel, a landmark position paper that outlined key recommendations to support the growth of the youth travel industry, benefit destinations, and enable more young people to travel.


The San Diego Declaration was supported by delegates attending WYSTC. At the invitation of the Secretary General of the UNWTO, the San Diego Declaration was subsequently presented to the 94th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council in October 2012 and formally endorsed by the 20th UNWTO General Assembly in August 2013.

Relevant to all goals

The Sustainable Development Goals

The UN’s 17 goals to transform our world

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it ís important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030.

Relevant to all goals

The New Horizons research series

The foundation of youth travel research


The aim of New Horizons has always been to gather consistent and detailed transnational information on the youth and student travel market. It combines information on the social and cultural aspects of young travellers with data on travel purchases, booking methods, information gathering, destinations, activities and previous travel experiences. 

New Horizons, first published in 2002, was the first-ever global study of student and youth travellers using primary research. 

Given the study’s longevity, New Horizons also lends insight to longer term trends and future potential. The project is coordinated and conducted by WYSE Travel Confederation on behalf of its global network of members and other youth travel stakeholders. Its findings represent a global picture that is greater than any of the individual interests or characteristics of participating organisations.

Relevant to all goals

The Power of Youth Travel

Outlines the economic and social impact of global youth travel

The Global Report on the Power of Youth Travel is a collection of articles and case studies documenting the economic and social impact of youth, student and educational travel. First published in 2011 as volume two of the Affiliate Member report series, the 2016 volume highlights the positive impact that travel has on young people and the destinations that they visit.

Relevant to all goals

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The fundamental human rights to be universally protected


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and it has been translated into over 500 languages.

Relevant to goal 9

Destination Development Programme

How to create successful and sustainable youth travel destinations

Today, nations around the world are facing increasing levels of competition and recognise that in order to be a competitive and appealing youth travel destination, a comprehensive and holistic destination development strategy is required; an integrated process that is founded on a well-informed and collaborative strategic framework that can deliver initiatives to drive visitor growth.


The WYSE Travel Confederation’s Destination Development Programme offers a comprehensive suite of support services that will help destinations. Read more…

Relevant to goal 1 and goal 2


A Toolkit for Work Abroad Programmes

A step-by-step guide to developing a position paper for work abroad programmes

Access to work abroad visas is the foundation upon which young people can have the freedom
of movement across borders and enjoy reciprocal working holiday opportunities in each other’s
countries. Of course, fundamental to the success of the work abroad industry is the availability of
appropriate visas that can stimulate and enable youth mobility.

To support our members’ advocacy efforts to encourage destinations to establish work abroad
visas, WYSE Travel Confederation has developed a blueprint; a step-by step guide on how to drive
advocacy for youth mobility and how to build a case that will demand government discussion and
help create momentum for change. 


Relevant to goal 5

Safety & Quality Certification for Hostels

A self-certification for ensuring guest safety

WYSE Travel Confederation has introduced a certification for its accommodation provider members. The WYSE Travel Confederation Accommodation Panel considers that those establishments who provide quality and safe accommodation deserve better recognition within the industry and among consumers. The certification is directed at ensuring guest safety, as well as the safety of the establishment’s employees.

The certification covers a range of matters from fire safety to alcohol service, to health and hygiene and adequate employee training.

Relevant to goal 10

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