Manchester, United Kingdom — 22-25 September 2009The Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Volume 5
Published September 2011
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The youth travel market grew from 160 million international trips a year in 2005 to almost 190 million in 2010. The growth of youth travel is reflected in the increased supply and diversity of Youth Travel Accommodation (YTA) around the globe. Stemming from the original youth hostel product, the sector surveyed in this publication covers many different forms of accommodation aimed at young travellers, including backpacker hostels, guesthouses, budget hotels, student residences and campsites.
As the YTA sector grows in size and complexity it becomes even more important to have reliable and timely information on market trends and developments. This report is the fifth in a series of reports on the YTA industry produced by the former Sector Association STAY WYSE.
Key takeaways
The 2010 survey provides more detailed information than previous reports, including new questions on accommodation type. The quality of the financial data has also been improved compared with previous years, and as the response rate has risen and the number of operators providing detailed financial information has also increased.
Page count: 60
From the same series
Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Review Volume 6
This report is the sixth in a series of reports on the YTA industry: it provides information on staffing, mobile applications and future expansion plans.
The Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Volume 4
This publication looks at average bed rates, occupancy rates, marketing activities, booking trends and sources of revenue during 2009 and provides national data comparisons.
The Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Volume 3
The third edition of the Industry Benchmark Survey looks at occupancy rates, revenue splits, bed rates, booking lead times and sources of revenue during 2008.