Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Series

Manchester, United Kingdom — 22-25 September 2009

STAY WYSE, the former youth travel accommodation Sector Association of WYSE Travel Confederation, was committed to understanding the ever changing characteristics, motivations and needs of young travellers. 

Since launching in 2007, the annual STAY WYSE Youth Travel Accommodation survey has become the most comprehensive study of the global youth travel accommodation (YTA) industry. The survey focuses on business operations and outcomes, and establishes crucial business metrics and identifies trends in this dynamic sector.

It is the only consistent source of benchmarking and comparison by world region, country and a number of key cities.

Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Volume 7

Published March 2014

This publication includes findings across all aspects affecting the industry, from the average size and rates of properties to the social media habits and booking styles of their guests.

Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Volume 6

Published September 2012

This report is the sixth in a series of reports on the YTA industry: it provides information on staffing, mobile applications and future expansion plans.

Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Volume 5

Published September 2011

This report is the fifth in a series of reports on the YTA industry: it provides more detailed information than previous reports, including new questions on accommodation type.

Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Volume 4

Published April 2010

This publication looks at average bed rates, occupancy rates, marketing activities, booking trends and sources of revenue during 2009 and provides national data comparisons.

Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Volume 3

Published November 2009

The third edition of the Industry Benchmark Survey looks at occupancy rates, revenue splits, bed rates, booking lead times and sources of revenue during 2008.

Youth Travel Accommodation Industry Survey Volume 2

Published December 2008

This study is the first comprehensive global analyses of business operations in the youth travel accommodation sector, analysing 510 establishments in 42 countries.