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Manchester, United Kingdom — 22-25 September 2009

WYSE Archives

TRAVEL MAKES ME __________.

Presenter and moderator:
David Chapman, WYSE Travel Confederation
Brenda van Leeuwen,
Martyn Milford, Freehand Hotels
Paul Mockler, Fáilte Ireland
Sam Willan, StudentUniverse
Brian Young, G Adventures

ITB Berlin 2018, Hall 4.1, Main Stage – Thursday, 8 March 2018 – 12:00 – 13:00

Happy? Splurge? Travel more? All of the above? WYSE Travel Confederation, along with a panel of experts in youth and student travel, will illuminate new insights on Millennial and Gen Z travellers based on the latest New Horizons survey of more than 57,000 young travellers from across the globe. What are young travellers splurging on? How are they booking? What are the up and coming destinations and why? Experts will discuss these questions, along with the changes, challenges, and opportunities that destinations and various sectors of the youth travel industry face in the coming years.