Manchester, United Kingdom — 22-25 September 2009How to prepare for WYSE sessions at ITB Berlin 2020
WYSE workshops
WYSE workshops are short and informal sessions intended to share best practice, case studies, research findings, and practical advice with professionals of travel companies dealing in youth, student and educational products. Each session is scheduled for 30 minutes.
Location and what else is on:
WYSE workshops take place at the WYSE Travel Confederation stand (117) in hall 4.1.
Take a look at our scheduled sessions for your industry peers taking part in this year’s WYSE workshops at ITB Berlin.
How to prepare:
- A laptop, flat screen TV, wireless remote, and mic will be set up for you in our workshop area. You will not be able to connect your own laptop to our A/V set up.
- Prepare a 15-20 minute presentation and save for 5-10 minutes for Q&A with your audience. Practical tips that motivate listeners to take new ideas forward in their own business context are particularly appreciated by listeners.
- Use a 16:9 PowerPoint template or prepare a .pdf file of your presentation. Keynote and other formats will not be accepted.
- Prepare your presentation notes separately as you will not be able to view a laptop during your workshop.
- If there is video and audio in your presentation, inform us in advance. Video must be embedded in your .ppt file, set up to play on click, and be less than 45 seconds. Please respect that our schedule of sessions can not accommodate testing and changing your file on site.
- We stream WYSE workshops live via Facebook and take photographs of sessions in progress. If you prefer that your session is not streamed or photographed, please inform us.
- Assume that you do not have an Internet connection for your presentation. There is no direct Internet access for presenters and WiFi at the event can be unpredictable.
- It is ideal if you send your final presentation to Wendy Morrill by 26 February, but she knows how it can go! Please keep her informed and she’ll trust that you’ll show up with your slides and ready to go.
- Arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of your workshop; don’t be surprised by long walking distances at ITB Berlin.
WYSE panel discussions
WYSE panel discussions cover current issues and topics of interest to professionals in the tourism industry in general, but aim to focus in on youth and student-specific issues.
WYSE panel discussions take place on the Center Stage in hall 4.1.
How to prepare:
- Review the slides, session outline, and questions prepared for your discussion.
- Get to know your co-panellists and their organisations.
- Prepare a brief introduction of your organisation and role.
- Arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of the session for sound check and introductions.
- Anticipate potential questions that may arise during Q&A and consider how to best field these.
WYSE Travel Confederation claims permission to record, edit, transcribe, archive, duplicate, distribute and reproduce any written or visual material submitted and created in connection with and including the seminars and workshops delivered in any and all media throughout the world.