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Looking back in order to see ahead

Looking back in order to see ahead

Findings from WYSE Travel Confederation’s first COVID-19 Travel Business Impact Survey[1] have indicated that youth travel organisations experienced significant drops in business by the first week...

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Business outlook by youth travel sector

Business outlook by youth travel sector

Cautious with pockets of optimism Findings from WYSE Travel Confederation’s COVID-19 business impact survey[1] show a mixed picture across various sectors when it comes to the outlook for 2020. Some...

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Welcome to our new member – YellowSquare

Welcome to our new member – YellowSquare

Interview with Fabio Coppola, CVO Tell us your story. How did YellowSquare get started? YellowSquare started back in 1999 as a small hostel with only 25 beds. My brother and I started it as a way to...

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Welcome to our new member – goki

Welcome to our new member – goki

Interview with Jack Bowcott, Founder/ CEO Tell us your story. How did goki get started?We started as a social network for travellers called Tipi… The idea was that travellers could meet and share...

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Our latest member interview – Eduvoyage

Our latest member interview – Eduvoyage

Interview with Shaik Shibli, Head of MarketingTell us your story. How did Eduvoyage get started?Eduvoyage is an ITL World Company, so perhaps I should start there. ITL World originated during the...

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In search of the aging backpacker

In search of the aging backpacker

We’ve been tracking the quintessential youth traveller since 2002 – the backpacker. In 2017, data from WYSE Travel Confederation’s New Horizons Survey of the youth and student traveller indicated...

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Welcome to our new member – MAD Foundation

Welcome to our new member – MAD Foundation

The MAD (Make a Difference) Foundation helps people in some of the world’s poorest countries to help themselves, by working with them at a grassroots level to develop much needed community...

Welcome to our new member Ediphi

Welcome to our new member Ediphi

At Ediphi, we provide students with leading-edge career training through international and virtual internships, in partnership with schools and businesses across the globe.

Meet the new Study Abroad panellist

Meet the new Study Abroad panellist

Jacqui Fox joined the Study Abroad Panel on 1 January 2024. With a long history working within the industry, we look forward to seeing what the next three years bring.Hi Jacqui! Welcome to the Study...