Is youth travel ready for an opportunity or a disaster?
News The year is 2030. Close to 2 billion travellers are traversing international borders. Cash is obsolete. Biometrics are firmly rooted. Mobility-as-a-Service has matured. Airbnb finally found a way forward with cities to the mutual benefit of residents and...
How to reach ‘bliss point’ with travel? Start with purpose and people.
News Recently BBC Capital put the question on the table as to how many days you should take off work for the optimum holiday or vacation trip. What is the perfect trip length that leaves you with maximum satisfaction and avoiding disappointment? While there are many...
Youth travel through the eyes of a presidential parent
News Youth and ‘the younger generation’ were among the most-used buzzwords of the World Travel & Tourism Council’s 2019 Global Summit- not least by the Summit’s distinguished guest of honour, former US President Barack Obama.Hosted in the city of Seville, Spain,...
If every travel company would do just one small thing
Making progress on sustainable travel with youth – an interview with Urban Adventures’ Responsible Business Manager. WYSE Travel Confederation spoke to Anula Galewska, Responsible Business Manager at Urban Adventures ahead of the Arival Berlin...