Join the world’s most extensive
network of youth travel professionals
WYSE Travel Confederation is the only global not-for-profit membership organisation that represents the youth, student and educational travel industry.
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Welcome to our new member – Suncana Vura
Our agency was founded in 1996 and we specialise in educational and cultural exchange programmes.
Welcome to our new member – Raleigh International
For over 40 years, Raleigh International’s mission has been to inspire and mobilise young individuals to become active global citizens.
Oceania leads in hostel use in more ways than one
WYSE Travel Confederation’s 2023 New Horizons survey of international youth travel found that hostels are used by 60% of youth travellers going to Australia, compared with only 26% headed to North America and 25% to Asia, regions where hostel supply is more limited.
Welcome to our new member – INTERNSPLUS
INTERNSPLUS is an educational consultancy that recruits and assists International students/graduates to find internships/work placements in companies in Ireland.
Welcome to our new member – INOUT Hostel
INOUT HOSTEL is a Special Work Center dedicated to the hotel and catering industry, opened in 2004 by Icaria Social Initiatives, a non-profit entity.
Listen to our latest podcast
How will Gen Z travel in the future?
Competitour’s owner and “evil genius” Ari Charlestein answers the million dollar question in this episode of the Ask Us Anything podcast. “Are they travelling the same way they live?
Latest webinar
Bridging the gap: Navigating intergenerational dynamics in the workplace
Discover how to effectively harness the diverse strengths of each generation, dispel stereotypes and develop actionable strategies to foster collaboration and harmony across generations in your workplace.