
Manchester, United Kingdom — 22-25 September 2009

Hanover launches new CRM suitable for cultural exchange companies of all sizes

Apr 11, 2018

Hanover, a product of WYSE Travel Confederation member Cleversteam, now has three new versions of its market-leading Work and Travel CRM. According to the company, the three new versions – ‘Hanover Recruit’, ‘Hanover Place’ and ‘Hanover Match’ will assist growth within any company size or business speciality.

“Traditionally, we’ve been focussed on larger companies. Now we’re taking what we’ve learnt and using it to help agencies of all sizes to unlock the potential of their businesses,” the company said in a statement.

a laptop on desk with Hanover on screen

Hanover emphasised that having a CRM is a huge competitive advantage. A good one helps manage processes from the initial application all the way through to placement and beyond. According to Hanover, the right CRM will save you time- time that can you can invest in a better participant experience as well as growing your business.

“We understand that recruiting and placing participants in cultural exchange programmes has unique challenges. Most of which, a traditional CRM wasn’t built to overcome. That’s why we built Hanover and why it’s quickly become the ‘Go-To CRM’ in our market.”

Hanover said it is focused on creating a CRM that empowers companies to be more efficient. Hanover is used by agencies and visa sponsors of all sizes in over 10 countries worldwide.

“Whether you’re a two-person company or global business, we’d love to partner with you.”