
The World Youth Student and Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederation and Destination New South Wales (Destination NSW), with the support of the Backpacker Operators Association New South Wales (BOA NSW) have partnered to launch WYSE Exchange Australia, an exclusive event for Australian youth travel focused businesses looking to connect with international Buyers.

The inaugural WYSE Exchange Australia event is scheduled to take place in Sydney from 6-8 April 2016 alongside BOA New South Wales annual BOA Ball. The 3-day event program will include scheduled workshop appointments between 30 leading international buyers and 60 Australian suppliers of backpacker, youth, adventure and education products and experiences, a full day educational conference, buyer familiarisations and social networking events.

WYSE Travel Confederation Director General David Chapman says, “In 2013 Destination NSW was instrumental in attracting the World Youth & Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) to Sydney and we are delighted to once again be partnering to deliver an exclusive and targeted opportunity for Australian operators to showcase their products and services in key markets, learn more about industry trends, challenges and opportunities and importantly help establish vital trade connections and build on Australia’s legacy as a highly desirable destination for young people from around the world.”

Australia holds its position as a premier destination for youth travellers from around the globe with year ending March 2015 arrival data revealing that the backpacker market to Australia accounted for 13% of the total tourism spend in Australia, $3.2 Bn. With just under 600,000 backpackers visiting Australia annually, this important market segment continues to make a valuable economic contribution to Australia’s inbound tourism industry.

With Sydney remaining the most visited destination in Australia attracting 72.8% of total visitation, followed by Melbourne (48.4%), Brisbane (34.5%) and Cairns (33.1%) WYSE Exchange Australia is the perfect opportunity for operators to leverage consumer demand for travel products and services that provide enriching experiences from travelling, studying and working abroad and to connect with distributors of outbound youth travellers from key international source markets.

Destination NSW Chief Executive Officer, Sandra Chipchase said Sydney was the ideal destination to co-host the World Youth Student and Educational Exchange Australia. “This important youth travel industry event will be the first within Australia to specifically network Australian youth tourism products to international Buyers. “It is an outstanding opportunity to showcase all that Sydney and Regional NSW have to offer to promote the vitally important youth sector to international buyers and I encourage the industry to get involved.

“Sydney is a major destination in the Asia Pacific for events like the WYSE Exchange Australia and we look forward to the opportunity to reinforce why NSW is the number one tourism and major events destination in Australia.”

Organisations interested in taking part in WYSE Exchange Australia will have the opportunity to register for this event end of September via This cost-effective event will be open to the Australian industry with discounts provided to WYSE Travel Confederation members – visit for more information on membership benefits and to apply

About Destination New South Wales

  • Destination NSW (DNSW) is a NSW Government statutory authority with responsibility for devising and implementing strategies to grow the visitor economy, with particular focus on driving tourism and acquiring and developing major sporting and cultural events for Sydney and regional New South Wales (NSW).
  • In addition, DNSW is the major investor in Business Events Sydney with the aim to secure more international conventions, incentive travel reward programs, corporate events and exhibitions for Sydney and regional NSW.
  • Destination NSW’s corporate website features latest industry news, resources for industry and media releases. Visitors seeking travel information should go the consumer sites or