Measuring the size and features of the Youth & Student Travel sector around the world is critical for an understanding of its economic and social contribution.

Untitled-1WYSE Travel Confederation and its Sector Associations are committed to understanding the ever-changing characteristics, motivations and needs of young travellers and the industry that supports them.

Our investment in research and market intelligence informs the policies, services and products that make international travel and educational experiences exciting, safe, accessible and affordable for young people.

As part of the 2014 research programme WYSE Travel Confederation, in cooperation with industry research specialist StudentMarketing, has developed a partnership to build on the good work already done in years past and help fill the picture of our vibrant but still under-documented industry.

Quarterly Market Research and Intelligence Reports for 2014

logo_student_marketingOver 2014,  WYSE Travel Confederation and StudentMarketing will deliver quarterly reports which will cover a number of topics built from general market research data and from a primary survey. This will provide members with a global picture of the industry.

The following reports will be included in the WYSE Travel Confederation 2014 research programme:

  • Industry Review No.1: Global data
  • Industry Review No.2: Visas
  • Industry Review No.3: Pricing
  • Industry Review No.4: Marketing

These comprehensive reviews will examine the different industry sectors and regions and provide information on the different programmes and products. The six selected industry sectors are; Language Travel, Higher Education, Work Experience, Volunteer Travel, Adventure Travel and Youth Travel Accommodation.

For previous Industry Review executive summaries please see below.

Click here to see a list of all the previous WYSE Travel Confederation reports. These reports are free of charge to all WYSE Travel Confederation members. Please email for your access code.

To see all the WYSE Travel Confederation Executive Summaries, please click here.

For further information please contact: WYSE Travel Confederation –

– ENDS –

Notes to Editors:

About WYSE Travel Confederation:

WYSE Travel Confederation is the world’s largest network of youth and student travel operators. WYSE Travel Confederation is a not-for-profit association dedicated to supporting the global industry and connecting the organisations that serve millions of young people who travel to study, work and grow. The Confederation is committed to understanding the ever-changing characteristics, motivations and needs of young travellers. The Confederation’s annual networking and trading event is the World Youth and Student Travel Conference, a global youth and student travel event.  Visit WYSE Travel Confederation: or on Twitter @WYSETC

About StudentMarketing:

StudentMarketing is an international research & business development consultancy that specializes in the global youth, student and educational travel market. The company systematically maps the industry and monitors trends and opportunities as well as provides a wide portfolio of solutions for business development. Visit StudentMarketing: