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Tourism NT says operators focused on the backpacker market have had an upsurge in business in central Australia.

Chief executive Tony Mayell says tourism operators are attributing the boost in backpackers to the resumption of Tiger Airways’ flights to Alice Springs.

Tiger services between central Australia and Melbourne resumed in early April.

Mr Mayell says he is expecting strong visitor numbers to the Red Centre this season and operators are feeling up-beat.

“I think our industry, there has been a shift I think in attitude, people are feeling a bit more positive,” he said.

“We are confident we are going to see a better season than last season and I would like to think that would be the case obviously with Tiger’s capacity coming in as well.

“I think the interesting thing for us is that we have re-engaged with the younger market and I know myself getting off a flight from Darwin arriving at the same time as a Tiger flight at the tour desk, there was a great long line of people with backpacks.”
